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Breaking! Tovo & Supporters Save Austin $40M…But who wouldn’t give $40M to get $250M?

Formula One owners have bowed to Austin voters and insurgent candidate Kathie Tovo who are opposed to using public money for the Formula 1 racetrack now under construction in Austin, Texas.  Today, Formula 1 pledged to put up the entire $4 million city match – $40 million over the life of the contract – in order to receive the $25 million per year for ten years from the state of Texas.

Brian Rodgers of, one of the groups leading the fight to stop the public subsidy of F1 said, “This is a great victory for Austin taxpayers and we thank the candidate we endorsed, Kathie Tovo, for standing strong and leading the opposition.   Tovo and our determined wall of community activists blocked this bad deal and forced the hand of the Formula 1 investors which was heading for a majority council rubber stamp approval next week.”


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