Making growth pay for itself!

Category Archives: urban rail

Steal this election for Austin!

FB_robberPostThe Austin Board of Realtors has given the largest contribution — by far — to a single candidate in this election. That would be the $50,000 given to Robert Thomas in District 10. But what is ABOR asking for in return? ABOR does not disclose this on their website nor did they return Ken Martin’s call from does not dispute that groups should be allowed to raise and spend money to influence elections. After all, we are a PAC.

What we would dispute, however, is that there are PACs that do not disclose exactly what they’re asking the candidates to support.

On the other hand, we have done your homework for you, and we’ve made it abundantly clear exactly what we’re asking the candidates to do:

Read it, share it and steal back Austin!:
We have endorsed Jason Meeker in City Council District 10, the mighty Northwest.
And, please vote for Tim Mahoney, ACC-Place 1.

PS Today is the last day of early voting. Some polls are open ’til 9 pm tonight, such as the Highland Mall! (check here)

Thank you Austin!

(You might find Martin’s piece about this of interest!)

Steal this election Austin

The first election under the new Austin City Council 10-1 Voting System is a test, Austin. Will you grab the power you are entitled to, to cast an informed vote to take our city back from those who continue to offload the costs of growth on to backs of current residents? Or will you say to all of the newcomers, “Welcome to Austin, but pay your own way?”

Click right here to get your power, Austin!

Read it, share it and steal this election for yourself!
City elections are non-partisan! Be a small “i” independent voter — vote for Meeker!

Meet Jason, Sam and Stephanie.
Meet Jason, Sam and Stephanie.

Vote Jason Meeker – City Council District 10, the mighty Northwest Austin!

We’ve known Jason Meeker for 8 years.
He was there when we founded
We know he has what it takes to stand up to the Austin real estate growth lobby.
Check his answers and pass it on to your NW friends!

Check Jason’s answers and 40 other candidates running for Austin City Council!
Find your district and READ what the candidates actually SAY — IT’S REVEALING!

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