Making growth pay for itself!

Category Archives: SH-45

Stop MoPACs Murder

In a rush deal — tomorrow — you could witness the Travis County Commissioners Court commit MoPacs MURDER. Here’s the anatomy:

  •     Connect the south end of Mopac to Interstate 35 – the “not-secret” final plan.
  •     Divert Interstate 35 traffic to Mopac – an additional 30,000 thousand vehicles.
  •     Bring MoPac to a dead stop all day long — it’s already maxed during peak hours. 
  •     Provide land speculators in northern Hays County with a bonanza.
  •     Pave over a portion of the state’s most vulnerable drinking water aquifer!
  •     Do it in the name of relieving traffic from northern Hays County by 2-3 minutes. 


Road warrior SW Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daughetry is fast tracking MoPac’s Murder by moving for $15 million tomorrow to cement the project before Sarah Eckhardt and Brigid Shea get a chance to vote.

The money isn’t due for almost 2 years! Come find out which budget items will be shorted by $15M?!?!

Stop Daugherty from tomorrow’s big “screw you MoPac commuters” overreach.

Show up at 1:30 tomorrow at the Travis County Commissioners Court, at 700 Lavaca. There’s parking garage and street parking.

Here’s the agenda — join us if you can for Item 23. You can also sign and send this letter to the Commissioners.

Please keep getting others to sign in to our network (at our website) or on our Facebook page right here

Thank y’all — hold on to your hats, it’s going to get even more wild taking back our city and our region!

PS There’s lots of great information at this website about this topic — thank you Keep MoPac Local for all the hard work: