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Category Archives: Property Taxes

property taxes and appraisals in Travis County, Texas

Protests Due Tuesday, June 1!!


If you feel your home has been over-valued by your county Appraisal District, make sure you get your protest forms in the mail, preferably today or tomorrow by certified mail return receipt requested.  If not, walk it in on Tuesday, and get a stamped copy.  If not, mail it registered on Tuesday.  If not, just mail it on Tuesday and take your chances!

You can include with that the “Request for Information” form here for Travis County (for Bastrop scroll to the bottom of this message), which will help you in preparation for your informal and formal hearings.

Then, please consider reviewing our slides shows on the left hand menu of our front page at

We now have two mock hearings scheduled below:  (Note:  if you want to do your own, we will help you!)

Property Tax Appraisal Protest Mock Hearing
Bastrop – location to be announced
Thursday, June 3rd, 6:30 pm

Property Tax Appraisal Protest Mock Hearing
Carver Library, 1161 Angelina, Austin
Thursday, June 17th, 6:30 pm

Free Workshops on Tax Appraisal Protest

Flyer for May 1 Tax Protest WorkshopView the slides from this workshop.

Last year, we told you about the big developers who are getting huge property tax under-valuations for buildings like the Austonian.  Did ya hear about the one where Austin millionaires are getting huge property tax exemptions on their “historic” homes by the City of Austin?!

This workshop is for the many middle and low-income Austinites who will receive OVER valuations from the Travis County Appraisal District this year.  Reserve your seat now!  And send us some dough to advertise it!

Download the printable flyer and spread the word: FlierMay1TaxWorkshop-1

How to Protest Your Property Tax Appraisal

Saturday, May 1st, 10:00 – 12:00 pm* (map here)
Huston-Tillotson University
Dickey Lawless Auditorium
7th & Chicon

Note:  The date of this event has changed because your won’t see your appraisal notice until about April 25.  If you think you have been appraised for more than your home is worth, this workshop is for YOU!

If you missed this workshop and wish to attend another, see the dates of more workshops (below), or send a message to us at or call us!

View the slides from this workshop.

Click here to donate!

More Free Workshops on How to Protest Your Home Appraisal

Attend a FREE workshop on

Appraisal Protest
in Travis County, Austin, TX

Organized by Change Austin


Oak Springs Library
3101 Oak Springs Dr.
Tues. May 11
6:30-8:00 PM
Capacity: 25
Sponsored by: Govalle Neighborhood Association

N. Central

Yarborough Library
2200 Hancock
Sat. May 15
1:30-3:30 PM
Capacity: 50


Pflugerville Justice Center
1611 Pfennig Lane
Wed. May 19
6:30-9:30 PM
Capacity: 75
Sponsored by: Highland Park North HOA

East Austin

Carver Library
1161 Angelina
Thurs. May 20
6:30-8:30 PM
Capacity: 80
Sponsored by:

East Austin

Terrazas Library
1105 East César Chávez St.
Sat. May 22
10:00 AM-12:30
Capacity: 35
Sponsored by: East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team

If you belong to an organization that would like to host a Tax Appraisal Protest Workshop, Change Austin will arrange for a workshop especially for your group, please contact us.

What Now After the Protest?

Thanks to all who protested with us last week at City Hall.

It took us a few days to think about our next steps.

Thanks to, you can watch this wonderful 5″ video on “Travis County’s Dirty Little Secret” on the residential property tax inequity that is driving Austinites out of their homes.

We love you KXAN!  Scroll down this page to watch the 2.5 minute piece they did that helped us reach thousands.

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