We just ran this full page ad in the Chronicle. Please take action and share it. We’ll be back with more soon!
Mayor Lee Leffingwell: 512-974-2250 * lee.leffingwell@austintexas.gov
Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole: 512-974-2266 * sheryl.cole@austintexas.gov
Councilman Chris Riley: 512-974-2260 * chris.riley@austintexas.gov
Councilman Mike Martinez: 512-974-2264 * mike.martinez@austintexas.gov
Councilwoman Kathie Tovo: 512-974-2255 * kathie.tovo@austintexas.gov
Councilwoman Laura Morrison: 512-974-2258 * laura.morrison@austintexas.gov
Councilman Bill Spelman: 512-974-2256 * bill.spelman@austintexas.gov
PS Y’all are invited to Wimberley on Saturday, November 22 to help put a stop to the water grabs…more here.