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Tag Archives: formula 1

Sign the Petition/Voter Pledge – No Abusive Formula 1 Subsidies!

School $ vs Formula 1 $ . There's no money for Austin schools, yet Formula 1 is after your tax dollars. Tell Randi Shade NO! Vote for Kathie Tovo.Sign the Petition/Voter Pledge to Abusive F1 Subsidies!

The Austin City Council vote on the F1 subsidy was postponed to next Wednesday! Even if the Austin City Council manages to keep city money out of the deal (we doubt it), their vote will still trigger STATE tax dollars — at least $250 million.  Please call the Council at 974-2000 on Monday or Tuesday and simply ask them to vote NO on F1.  Or you can email them all here:  And, don’t forget to ask friends and family to do the same.  Thank you Austin!

[emailpetition id=”1″]

6 Dynamite Candidate Questions

Thank you for your tremendous and thoughtful responses to our request for your questions to the Austin City Council candidates.  We have sifted them down to 6 dynamite Questions for Austin Candidates 2011.  Question #1 will tell you where all the money for schools and basic city services went and continues to go so far!

Candidate’s responses come next Tuesday.  Then we’ll ask you to forward a message across the city.

We have posted a sampling of the remainder of your 2011 City Council Candidate Questions.  Sorry we couldn’t include them all!  The Austin Neighborhoods’ questionnaire answered many of these questions.  Click hereand here.

Get out to the Candidate forums, y’all.  Keep checking this site for upcoming forums:  (Thanks to Robert Singleton for doing this site.)